Final Blitzkrieg - Scenario "Permisküla Island"
Author: BornGingerCreated with version:CMFB v2.03Requires module(s): Uses mod tags:

No picture provided!The 602 Regiment of the 8th Army must cross the Narva River. Their main obstacle in this section is the Permisküla island and the 6 Borderguards Regiment defending it.

At the moment this scenario is an Axis vs AI and H2H only.

Battle Type: Allied Attack Date: 1944/11/11
Time: Day 11:45 Length: 03:00
Size: Huge Terrain: Forest
Map Size: w: 2000 m d: 2848 m Area: 5.696 Sq. km
Region: Holland Early Intel: Neither
Weather: Clear and Cool Ground Conditions: Very Dry
theBlitz Size Modifier: 10
Filename: Permisküla.btt